Oosterweel works and passage planning

Works on the Oosterweel connection will enter a new phase in 2024. These works are to close the ring road around Antwerp. Lantis, the builder of the Oosterweel connection, will begin work on the construction of the Canal Tunnels in the Albert Canal in 2024. This will have an impact on shipping traffic at the site.

In functie van de Oosterweelwerken aan het Albertkanaal voorziet Port of Antwerp-Bruges scheepvaartbegeleiding via de nieuwe VTS-sector Weel met VHF-kanaal 62.


Lantis, Port of Antwerp-Bruges


29/01/2017 - 29/12/2030


Albert Canal


The Oosterweel connection completes the Antwerp Ring Road and removes through traffic and port traffic from the Ring Road. Port of Antwerp-Bruges is responsible for the safe passage of shipping traffic on the Albert Canal and the America dock during the works on the Canal Tunnels.


For shipping

The work on the construction of the Canal Tunnels in the America dock and the Albert Canal will begin in 2024. These tunnels will connect the new Antwerp Ring Road to the newly constructed traffic interchange (the 'Oosterweel interchange'). For those works, Lantis will build a construction pit in the canal. This will make the Albert Canal a lot narrower. As a result, only one-way navigation traffic will be possible. To ensure that this runs as safely and smoothly as possible, Lantis and Port of Antwerp-Bruges are providing for the extension of vessel guidance (VTS Sector Weel) from April 15 and passage planning from May 13.

Shipping communications

Once passage planning is launched, shippers will request passage through one of these channels:

  • APICS barge
  • VHF channel 10
  • VTS telephone

VHF channel 62 will remain in effect when entering the VTS sector Weel. Five communication towers along the Albert Canal with cameras and traffic lights will help guide shipping traffic. 

Film over passageplanner en uitbreiding sector Weel

In this presentation, you will find more info on the progress of the canal area works and the impact on shipping traffic. (Dutch only)

Canal area works and impact on shipping

In this presentation, you will find more info on the progress of the canal area works and the impact on shipping traffic. (Dutch only)
Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.

Marine radio communications for recreational vessels

Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.
Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.

Marine radio communications for inland vessels

Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.
Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.

Marine radio communications for sea going vessels

Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.
Aperçu des secteurs VTS dans la zone portuaire d'Anvers pour la navigation intérieure.

Communication mariphone pour la navigation intérieure (FR)

Aperçu des secteurs VTS dans la zone portuaire d'Anvers pour la navigation intérieure.
Überblick über die VTS-Sektoren im Hafengebiet von Antwerpen für die Binnenschifffahrt.

Kommunikation per UKW-Sprechfunk in der Binnenschifffahrt (DE)

Überblick über die VTS-Sektoren im Hafengebiet von Antwerpen für die Binnenschifffahrt.

Reporting and info point

Do you have any related questions, comments or complaints related to the Oosterweel works or the passage planning? Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Contact us

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