Port of Antwerp-Bruges NV under public law, as a Flemish body, is not only bound by the GDPR and national data protection regulations, but also by the Decree of 18 July 2008 on electronic administrative data traffic. This decree governs the movement of (personal) data within and between government services electronically.
Whenever Port of Antwerp-Bruges NV under public law sends electronic communication of personal data to another body or external authority in a systematic and organised manner, it is obliged to draw up a protocol for this with the other party and to publish this protocol on the website. This document contains all the necessary information regarding the intended processing of personal data.
In the documents below you can find the various protocols that have already been concluded in this framework. The template provided by the Flemish Supervisory Commission was used for this purpose.
If you have any further questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can always contact dpo@portofantwerpbruges.com.