Inland navigation services

Inland navigation services

To ensure smooth inland navigation in Port of Antwerp-Bruges, there are various services including smooth communication, collection of ship waste and provision of onshore power points. A smooth communication and information flow also contribute to this. The port is within reach via the VHF channels and online applications such as APICS Barge.

APICS Barge application to facilitate smooth barge traffic

APICS Barge application

APICS Barge is the inland navigation tool of Port of Antwerp-Bruges. With this application, reporting entering and leaving the port, consulting berths and booking locks in Antwerp is done digitally.

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VHF channels

We ensure that inland navigation traffic goes efficiently and safely. Here you find an overview of the VHF radio channels and telephone numbers.

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Inland shipping and barge waste park for sustainable recycling of waste and bilge water.

Waste and bilge water

Various activities within the port generate different types of residual waste. For example, oil or waste specific to shipping, such as bilge water (oil-water mixture in the engine room). There are various facilities for the sustainable and efficient collection of ship-generated waste from inland navigation.

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Shore power is an sustainable way to connect barges and tugs to the electricity grid and reduce CO2 emissions.

Shore power

Shore power is an environmentally friendly and noise-free way to provide electricity to ships while they are berthed. It reduces emissions and therefore helps make ports greener. Here you find more information about the operation and connection points for shore power.

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News about inland shipping

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In this handy folding map with services for inland shipping you will find the locations of the waste collection centres, vehicle unloading points, onshore power supply points and drinking water points. In addition to the contact details of the drinking water boats and bilge boat, this port map also contains all communication channels within the port.

Communication and inland navigation services (EN)

In this handy folding map with services for inland shipping you will find the locations of the waste collection centres, vehicle unloading points, onshore power supply points and drinking water points. In addition to the contact details of the drinking water boats and bilge boat, this port map also contains all communication channels within the port.
Sur cette carte pliante pratique avec des services pour la navigation fluviale, vous trouverez les emplacements des parcs à déchets, des parcs de stationnement, des points d'alimentation à quai et des points d'eau potable. En plus des coordonnées des bateaux d'eau potable et du bateau de cale, cette carte du port contient également tous les canaux de communication au sein du port.

Communication et services navigation fluviale (FR)

Sur cette carte pliante pratique avec des services pour la navigation fluviale, vous trouverez les emplacements des parcs à déchets, des parcs de stationnement, des points d'alimentation à quai et des points d'eau potable. En plus des coordonnées des bateaux d'eau potable et du bateau de cale, cette carte du port contient également tous les canaux de communication au sein du port.
Auf dieser handlichen Faltkarte mit Dienste für die Binnenschifffahrt finden Sie die Standorte der Abfalldepots, Auto-Abzetplätze, Landstrom- und Trinkwasserstellen. Dieser Hafenplan enthält neben den Kontaktdaten der Trinkwasser- und Bilgetboote auch alle Kommunikationswege innerhalb des Hafens.

Kommunikation und Dienste Binnenschiffahrt (DE)

Auf dieser handlichen Faltkarte mit Dienste für die Binnenschifffahrt finden Sie die Standorte der Abfalldepots, Auto-Abzetplätze, Landstrom- und Trinkwasserstellen. Dieser Hafenplan enthält neben den Kontaktdaten der Trinkwasser- und Bilgetboote auch alle Kommunikationswege innerhalb des Hafens.


Contact out experts

Joyce Caluwaerts

Key Account Manager Barge Operators

Transparant icoon voor de toepassing van 'onkosten' in kader van het nieuw intranet
Port Dues

Port Dues Port of Antwerp-Bruges


Don't hesitate to contact us.

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