Rules and procedures

Heb je een vraag over maritieme dienstverlening of reglementering? Neem gerust contact op met de havenkapiteinsdienst.

The port is a vast area with critical installations and complex activities such as the chemical industry and shipping traffic. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, various departments monitor the correct application of rules and procedures.

The Harbour Master's Office

The Harbour Master's Office is responsible for taking all measures to ensure public order and safety in the port area of Antwerp and Zeebrugge.

Ship with forest products.

Port regulations, bylaws and rates

To ensure smooth and safe shipping traffic, the Harbour Master's Office oversees the regulations, laid down in port regulations and bylaws.

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Om de veiligheid en werking van Port of Antwerp-Bruges te waarborgen, zijn een aantal regels en procedures vastgelegd.

Request for authorisation

For works with a nautical impact, you need to apply for authorisation. This is necessary to ensure the safe execution of the works, the smooth and safe passage of shipping traffic and to reduce risks to the environment.

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Regulations for dangerous goods

Dangerous goods require proper handling. The Harbour Master's Office in Antwerp and Zeebrugge ensures that this is done and that all legal requirements are followed. 

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Federaal Agentschap voor de veiligheid van de voedselketen.

Customs and FASFC

As a gateway for imports and exports to Europe, goods from all over the world pass through our port. 

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