
Port of Antwerp-Bruges is much more than just ships or industry. By yourself or with a guide, with friends or with the kids, there is tons to see and do in the port. Be sure to visit Portopolis or the Port House in Antwerp and the ABC Tower in Zeebrugge to discover the port from a unique angle.

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Biking in the port

Experience the port

In and around Antwerp and Zeebrugge, you will find a wide range of recreational possibilities. You can cycle past imposing ships, walk through tranquil nature areas, or discover cool street art.

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The Port House is the headquarters of the Port Authority of Port of Antwerp-Bruges.

The Port House in Antwerp

With the Port House, Zaha Hadid Architects produced an architectural masterpiece. The headquarters of Port of Antwerp-Bruges is undoubtedly one of the eye-catchers of the Antwerp skyline. But the building is also breathtaking on the inside, thanks to a fascinating interplay of lines and magnificent panoramic views.

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Portopolis is een virtueel en interactief bezoekerscentrum van de haven. Breng een interactief bezoek aan de haven van Antwerpen of vier de verjaardag van je kinderen op een originele manier.

Portopolis in Antwerp

In the shadow of the Museum Aan de Stroom in Antwerp, you will find the Portopolis visitor's centre. Here you will discover Port of Antwerp-Bruges in an interactive way from the heart of the city. The perfect place for all your questions about the port or inspiration for a unique day out.

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ABC-toren Zeebrugge - vergaderruimte, congresruimte, ontvangstruimtes

ABC Tower in Zeebrugge

On the top floor of the eight-storey ABC Tower in Zeebrugge, you are immersed in the port atmosphere in the visitor centre. Upstairs in the rooftop restaurant Njord, you can also enjoy a stunning view.

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Events of Port of Antwerp-Bruges.

Our events

Every year we organize many events in and around the port, for companies within and outside the port community, but also for local residents and the general public. Curious? Dive into our events.

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Jouw evenement in het havengebied van Antwerpen of Zeebrugge.

Your events in the port

Do you want to organise your own event in the port area of Antwerp or Zeebrugge? That's possible! Here you will find more info about the application procedure and the safety regulations.

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Discover Port of Antwerp-Bruges: a dynamic hub where ships, goods and people meet.

Meet the port

Discover Port of Antwerp-Bruges: a dynamic hub where ships, goods and people meet.

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