People and the environment

Met de omschakeling naar een circulaire economie en grote investeringen in de energietransitie streeft Port of Antwerp-Bruges naar klimaatneutraliteit in 2050. Als een bedrijf met een belangrijke maatschappelijke rol hebben we er alle belang bij om onze impact op het klimaat te beperken.

As a world port, we provide prosperity and jobs. But Port of Antwerp-Bruges wants to do and mean more than that. Because we are aware of the impact of our activities on our surrounding and local residents.


The port and its surroundings form an ecosystem and together we want to create opportunities for a sustainable future. That is why we invest in safety, mobility and environmental quality.

Luchtkwaliteit en geur spelen een belangrijke rol in de omgevingskwaliteit voor de omwonenden en de omliggende steden. Geursensoren dragen bij aan het meten van de luchtkwaliteit in een slimme haven.

Air quality and odour

Air quality and odour play an important role in the environmental quality for local residents and surrounding cities. We strive to continuously improve the air quality in the broad vicinity of Antwerp and Zeebrugge and to limit odour nuisance.  

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De haven moet bereikbaar blijven voor mensen en goederen. Daarom werken we aan een modal shift om tegen 2030 een verschuiving te maken naar meer goederenvervoer over spoor, door middel van binnenvaart en via pijpleidingen.


The port must remain accessible for people and goods. That is why we are working towards a modal shift in order to increase cargo transport by rail, inland navigation and pipelines by 2030.

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We want to ensure that the port area remains clean. Together with companies in the port, we take measures to reduce and remove pollution of water and soil.

Clean port

We want to make sure the port area stays clean. Along with the companies at the port, we take measures to reduce and remove water and soil pollution.

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The port area has a lot of unique nature.


The port area boasts a lot of unique nature. Industry should not come at the expense of nature. We strive for a balance between economic growth, consideration for nature, and we are committed to preserving and developing nature.

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Nature compensation for land in Waaslandhaven

Scattered along the left bank of the Scheldt in the port of Antwerp, there are still several parcels of fallow land ('residual land'), which have already been opened up and largely allocated to companies in the port. These sites overlap with a Birds Directive area.


To allow the companies present to develop further with respect for the surrounding area, Maatschappij Linkerscheldeoever (MLSO) and Port of Antwerp-Bruges are drawing up an Environmental Impact Assessment Plan (plan-MER). With this, we want to inform all interested parties about the possible alternatives and compensatory measures. A first step in the procedure for an EIR plan is the publication of a notification note.

Nature compensation for land in Waaslandhaven

In a rapidly changing world, we want to be a safe haven and turn major challenges such as the energy transition, digitisation and mobility into solutions.

Jacques VandermeirenCEO Port of Antwerp-Bruges
Jacques Vandermeiren, CEO Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Wellbeing is key

We are committed to ensuring continuity in all business activities on the basis of our mission and vision. And we do so with an eye for people, safety and the environment and in line with our ambitions on Environment Social (corporate) Governance (ESG). The well-being of our employees is always central to this. We translate this into concrete objectives for the various Safety, Health, Environment and Quality domains that can be found in our policy statement.

With this policy statement, Port of Antwerp-Bruges wants to show its commitment and dedication to SHEQ, both in Antwerp and Zeebrugge. (Dutch only)

Safety, Health, Environment en Quality policy statement

With this policy statement, Port of Antwerp-Bruges wants to show its commitment and dedication to SHEQ, both in Antwerp and Zeebrugge. (Dutch only)

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