Zeebrugge light and fog signals
The light and fog signals are invaluable in keeping ship traffic safe at the port. It is a clear and unambiguous way of communicating so that the captain of a ship can safely enter the port.
Light signals
Light signals communicate by means of light and colour configurations whether or not ships are allowed to enter, exit or pass under.
Light signals
At the port of Zeebrugge, you will find light signals at four locations:
Light signals at the breakwaters
Several light signals are located at the breakwaters.
- The port signals are on the western breakwater. They are located at position 51°21'.8N 03°11'.2E
- The lighthouse lights are located on the western and eastern breakwater and operate synchronously. They do so according to the pattern: 5 seconds on, 2 seconds off.
Meaning of port signals on the breakwater:
All the configurations are constant. Only configuration 1 has an intermittent character, according to the pattern: 5 seconds on, 2 seconds off.
Light signals at the old mole
The light signals on the old mole (or the old Leopold II dam) operate completely independently and are subordinate to the light signals on the breakwaters.
At the head of the old port dam is a lighthouse with a fixed intermittent light of the 3rd order. This is located at position 51°20'.9N 03°12'.2E. The light point is located 22 metres above the median plane (MP). The white light is visible on the entire horizon except from 145° to 201°N, save for a 56° section where it is red. The light shines in 15-second periods consisting of 12 seconds of light and 3 seconds of darkening.
Meaning of port signals on the old port dam:
Light signals at the Roskam bridges (A11) and Dudzele railroad bridge
The light signals at the Roskam bridges and railroad bridge in Dudzele over the Boudewijnkanaal indicate whether or not ships are allowed to pass through or under the bridges.
The maximum height for underpasses on a closed railroad bridge is 8.50 metres above the water level. When the Roskam bridges are open, the maximum height is 15.00 metres above the water level.
Meaning of the light signals at the Roskam bridges and railroad bridge:
Light signals at the Herdersbrug and Connection Brigde in Dudzele
For transit at the Herdersbrug and the new Connection Bridge over the Boudewijnkanaal in Dudzele, you must first make contact via CH68.
It is not possible to underpass here!
The meaning of the light signals at the Herdersbrug and Connection Bridge:
Fog signals
The fog signals are located on the breakwaters.
At the head of the western breakwater is a nautophone. When visibility is reduced, it sounds in 30-second periods. Such a 30-second period always consists of:
- 3 seconds of sound
- 5 seconds of silence
- 3 seconds of sound
- 5 seconds of silence
- 3 seconds of sound
- 11 seconds of silence
A fog bell is located at the head of the eastern breakwater. This produces a stroke every 25 seconds.