Both Antwerp and Zeebrugge have a harbour master. The harbour masters, or port commanders, together with their teams, are responsible for the practical operation of the port and taking measures to ensure public order and safety in the port area.

Besides international and national rules, both Antwerp and Zeebrugge have a set of local rules which are laid down by the harbour master in the port regulations.


For example, the Harbour Master's Office (Harbour Safety & Security) is responsible for:


  • organising the handling and storage of goods
  • organising the accessibility of the port area
  • safeguarding the environment, integrity and safety of the port area.
Peter Derudder en Yves Le Clef, Nautische afdeling

In Antwerp

Enforcement and powers Harbour master's office

For all communications regarding the enforcement and powers of the Harbour Master's Office and the detention of ships, please contact

Incidents and emergencies

Incidents or emergencies must first be reported by telephone at +32 3 229 67 33 or via VHF channel 63. Information exchange regarding planned exercises goes via the Harbour Master's Office. If you have any questions, please contact


The point of contact for non-urgent communication for companies and authorities regarding Incident Management is

Drones, helicopters and Geozone

For all questions regarding the very low air layers above the port (EBR54) such as questions about drones, helicopters and Geozone, please contact

Security in the port

For any questions about security in the Port of Antwerp, please mail This includes:


  • Information-exchange by the Port Facility Security Officers with the Local Committee for Maritime Security, including mandatory reports of ISPS exercises, changes to procedures and contacts, etc.
  • Reports of structural changes to company perimeters and access points or the layout of the site, in order to maintain an up-to-date overview of the approaches and access routes for the emergency services.
  • Questions about the Neighbourhood Information Network or BE-Alert in the port (NIN/BE-Alert Haven) and reports of changes in contact details.
  • Units from the Ministry of Defence can submit questions according to GNZ protocols for organising training with affiliated terminals in the port.

Storage and transport of dangerous goods

All questions regarding the application of regulations for handling, storing and transporting (dangerous) goods in the port can be addressed to the Harbour Safety & Security service.


Questions on exceptions to the Port Police Regulations (PPR) regarding the handling and storage of goods as set out in the PPR and Port Instructions (PI) can be also addressed here:


As a new user of APICS, if you have any technical questions about messaging with regard to reports of dangerous goods, please contact New user requests take place via or the CASD desk.

Communication procedure

This document describes the VHF communication procedures between the VTS center and the traffic participants. (Dutch only)

VHF communication procedures

This document describes the VHF communication procedures between the VTS center and the traffic participants. (Dutch only)

Marine radio communications

Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.

Marine radio communications for sea going vessels

Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.
Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.

Marine radio communications for recreational vessels

Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.
Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.

Marine radio communications for inland vessels

Overview of the VTS sectors in the Antwerp port area for maritime shipping.

In Zeebrugge

Enforcement and powers Harbour master's office

All communications and general questions regarding the enforcement and powers of the Harbour Master's Office and the detention of ships can be addressed to

Incidents and emergencies

Incidents or emergencies must first be reported by telephone:


Drones, helicopters and Geozone

All your answers to questions about the very low air layers above the port such as drones, helicopters and Geozone conditions can be found on Zedis.

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Contact our experts

Foto voor bij het Edito in het Havenklap magazine
Niels Vanlaer

Harbour Safety & Security Manager (Harbour Master)

Peter Degroote

Nautical Operations Manager

Kim Pettens

Harbour Master - Port Security Officer

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