Just like your car, ships are obliged to undergo testing at regular intervals. Ships in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges fleet cannot escape this either. Every five years, our tugboats move to the dry docks for some thorough maintenance. In shipping, this is called ‘class renewal’. This requires good planning and a great deal of collaboration from both Port of Antwerp-Bruges employees and external companies. 

Technology and safety

A class renewal focuses on two aspects: technology and safety. During the technical inspection, inspectors from the classification society check that the ship meets all the prescribed technical requirements. They thoroughly inspect the ship and commission specific maintenance work. 


Then, the maritime and/or inland shipping inspectorate checks that the ship also complies with all the safety regulations. From the presence of a First Aid kit, to mandatory certifications and fire safety. Are both inspections in order? Then the ship will get its class renewal. This keeps it safe, reliable and seaworthy. 

A tugboat lying in a dry dock. This way, inspectors can check all parts of the vessel.
Taking a ship to its test.

Preparation is half the battle

So every maintenance job is best started with proper planning. Before the beginning of each calendar year, Port of Antwerp-Bruges staff make an overview of the ships that are due for a class renewal. These may include tugboats, enforcement vessels, bearing vessels and other vessels.  


For each ship, they plan and list the necessary works. Tugboat maintenance is mandatory every five years and takes an average of five to six weeks. If there is any damage to the ship, maintenance may also take longer. In short: there is usually a ship in the dry docks at Port of Antwerp-Bruges. 

During a mainenance service, the vessel is prepared for a class renewal.

Tugboat maintenance checklist

Tugboat maintenance may include:

  • Sealing the propeller or replacing propellers
  • Overhaul of the propellers
  • A thickness measurement of the hull steel
  • Repairing all steel damage
  • Renewing the outboard valves (used for cooling engines, among other things)
  • Emptying all water tanks and checking them internally
  • Giving the hull a new coat of antifouling paint to prevent any fouling below the waterline
  • Measuring anchor chain thickness and checking anchors
  • Disassembling and cleaning outboard box coolers
  • Renewing the zinc anodes
  • Overhauling the main engines
  • Etc.
Fase 1 van de herstellingen, 15/05/2023


A class renewal involves many partners. Port of Antwerp-Bruges will provide its own transport for the vessel into and out of the dry docks. They put it in the right position on the dock blocks, pump the water back out of the dry dock and take care of various repair and maintenance work. They leave the polishing, painting and any larger welding work on the exterior of the ship to external companies. 

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