Every year, Port of Antwerp-Bruges receives more than 20,000 seagoing vessels. With more than 300 liner services to over 800 destinations, there is an extensive offering of flexible and reliable maritime connections to ports around the world. All nautical services are ready to ensure that shipping traffic to, from and in Antwerp and Zeebrugge runs as quickly and safely as possible.

Destinations and liner services

Are you looking for a shipping company or a specific deepsea destination to or from Port of Antwerp-Bruges? Find your perfect maritime connection among more than 300 liner services to more than 800 destinations.

Find a maritime connection

Maritime access in Antwerp and Zeebrugge

Port of Antwerp-Bruges is easily accessible to the largest deep sea ships. Both Zeebrugge on the North Sea and Antwerp on the Scheldt receive ships with nautical drafts of up to 16 meters (Antwerp) or 16.77 meters (Zeebrugge).


Perfectly positioned on the coast of the world's busiest sea, the North Sea, Zeebrugge boasts easy nautical access with 24/7 accessibility. Antwerp lies 80 kilometres inland along the tidal river Scheldt. With the Scheldt deepening project in 2010, Antwerp also remains easily accessible for the largest container ships with a length of more than 360 meters. 

Safe shipping traffic

Within the port area, the Harbour Master's Office oversees the safety of shipping. It is responsible for taking all measures for public order and safety of the port area.

Port of Antwerp-Bruges invests heavily in safety and security. For example, most terminals in Antwerp and Zeebrugge are ISPS-secured. They are monitored 24/7 and have electronic access control with scanning. With Certified Pick up, container pickup is digitally secured.

With Certified Pick up also the collection of containers is digitally secured.


To stand out from the competition on the world market, companies must be able to call on the best possible supply chain to get cargo to its final destination.

Brochure Supply Chain

To stand out from the competition on the world market, companies must be able to call on the best possible supply chain to get cargo to its final destination.

For all your questions about the APICS Barge application
Harbour Master's Office Antwerp (HMO)

Harbour Master Service

For all your questions about the APICS Barge application
Harbour Master's Office Zeebrugge (HMO)

Harbour Master Service

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