Tugs are powerful and manoeuvrable vessels that assist large ships in precise mooring and unmooring. They have formidable pushing and pulling power. The towage services work closely with other nautical service providers such as pilots and port planners for efficient incoming and outgoing sailings.

For sailing on the Scheldt in Antwerp, the tugs of Boluda Towage and Antwerp Towage are on standby. Behind the locks, the tugs of the Port Authority ensure a safe and smooth service.


In Zeebrugge, Boluda Towage provides all towage services, before and behind the locks. 

Onze sleepdiensten helpen bij het manoeuvreren, aan- en afmeren van een schip.

Towage services in Antwerp

Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Blauwhoefstraat 13-15, Quay 602
2040 Antwerp


Boluda Towage tugs

Towage services in Bruges

Onze sleepdiensten helpen bij het manoeuvreren, aan- en afmeren van een schip.

150 years of towage services

For 150 years, the towage service has played a crucial role at the port. From steam to innovation, the evolution is impressive. This anniversary year, we look back on a rich history of craftsmanship and progress.

Dive into 150 years of towing service history
Albertdok, Passagiersschip Mejita Belfast van de Canadian Pacific Line wordt naar droogdok 7 gebracht (of komt ervan).

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