Enter your bunker notifications digitally with the bunker notification application. This is mandatory for all bunker notifications. Smooth and secure data exchange leads to reliable bunker figures. This is essential for the efficient operation of the port. 

How does it work?

The application is integrated into APICS (Advanced Port Information and Control System). Consequently, the application will later provide the opportunity for seamless coordination of shipping and bunkering. As a result, all parties involved experience increased efficiency. Moreover, you can forward notifications to customs at the touch of a button.  

More info on APICS

What are the benefits?

  • User-friendly: data entry is simple and intuitive.  
  • Flexibility: you can enter bunker notifications tailored to your own organisation.  
  • More efficient: the application allows you to simplify labour-intensive and error-prone processes. 

Frequently asked questions

Can I change the location of the scheduled bunkering?  

Yes, you can easily adjust the planned location through the ‘Bunkering’ overview. 


Can I cancel a scheduled bunkering?  

Yes, through the overview, you can cancel a bunkering by deleting it.


Can the bunker report be automatically forwarded to the Belgian Customs?  

Yes. If the licensed bunker company sends the required details to toelatingen.hkd@portofantwerpbruges.com after registration, it will have the option to forward the bunker report to the Belgian Customs. The required details include the customs warehouse ID, tax warehouse, and the licensed bunker provider’s number.


Can crew members of a bunker barge also submit bunker reports?  

Yes, within each user account, you can add and manage additional users, such as crew members.


Do you also need to use this application for debunkering?  

No, for debunkering, you need a separate authorization via toelatingen.hkd@portofantwerpbruges.com.


Can the application be used for LNG?  

No, LNG bunkering follows a different process. You need a separate authorization via toelatingen.hkd@portofantwerpbruges.com.


I submit bunker reports on behalf of a licensed bunker company, but I cannot find the company in the application. What now?  

This means the bunker company has not yet created an account. The company must first create an account before you can select it in the application.

More info on the application