Hydrogen plays an important role in the transition to a climate-neutral world. Port of Antwerp-Bruges is an active pioneer in the hydrogen economy and intends to take up a leading position as a European import hub for green hydrogen.

What is hydrogen?

Hydrogen (H) is the simplest and most abundant element in our universe. It has one proton and one electron. In its pure form, it occurs as hydrogen gas (H2), also called hydrogen for short. At room temperature, it is a colourless and odourless gas that is non-toxic. Hydrogen is an important cornerstone in the energy and resource transition towards climate neutrality.

How is hydrogen made?

Hydrogen gas (H2) is barely to be found on earth, but hydrogen atoms are hidden in larger compounds with other elements. Extracting the hydrogen from these molecules requires a lot of energy. Depending on the energy source used for its production, we distinguish between grey, blue and green hydrogen.

Depending on the energy sources and CO2 emission from the production process, we speak of gery, blue or green hydrogen.

Grey hydrogen

Grey hydrogen is made with fossil fuels. During production, CO₂ is released into the atmosphere.

Blue hydrogen

Blue hydrogen is also produced with fossil fuels, but the released CO₂ is captured and stored, so that it does not enter the atmosphere. The captured CO₂ is reused for other applications. This is an important step towards green hydrogen.

Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is made with electrolysis: you subject water to electricity so that it splits into hydrogen and oxygen gas. If you get that electricity from renewable energy sources, no CO₂ is released.

A great deal of energy is needed to separate hydrogen from larger molecules. This energy is released once more when the hydrogen gas reconnects with other atoms. This is what makes hydrogen is an energy carrier. Despite of its energy intensive production, hydrogen has many advantages: it causes no emissions when burned and its production can be completely green.


Hydrogen has several applications and can be used:

  • to store surplus energy.
  • as an alternative energy source in industry.
  • as fuel in the transport sector. Hydrogen can be used in an internal combustion engine without emitting any pollutants.
  • as feedstock in the chemical industry.
As a multifuel, LNG is an important stepping stone to a hydrogen economy.

Essential role in the energy transition

Port of Antwerp-Bruges is a major energy hub today. A great many companies at the port are closely involved in the production, processing and distribution of energy to and from various European and global markets. Unfortunately, this also releases greenhouse gases. Today, CO2 emissions from the entire port area amount to around 17 million tons.


Port of Antwerp-Bruges wants to be climate neutral by 2050. This is why it is necessary to switch to green energy and raw materials.

Port of Antwerp-Bruges plays a major role in the local and international hydrogen economy or hydrogen chain by focusing on three pillars: the production and supply of hydrogen, the hydrogen distribution infrastructure, hydrogen consumption and transport to hinterland end-users.

From import and production to European offtake. Discover how Port of Antwerp-Bruges is the ideal energy hub for hydrogen and hydrogen carriers.

Green energy hub

From import and production to European offtake. Discover how Port of Antwerp-Bruges is the ideal energy hub for hydrogen and hydrogen carriers.
Hydrogen roadmap 2030, a clear overview of all actions taken now and in the future to become your sustainable business platform for today and tomorrow.

Hydrogen roadmap 2030, a clear overview of all actions taken now and in the future to become your sustainable business platform for today and tomorrow.

Hydrogen roadmap

Hydrogen roadmap 2030, a clear overview of all actions taken now and in the future to become your sustainable business platform for today and tomorrow.

1. Production and import


This Bruges-based consortium will build a plant that converts renewable energy into green hydrogen by 2026. The plant will convert electricity from partners Parkwind and Eoly Energy into green hydrogen gas for the natural gas grid, industrial users at home & abroad and for balancing Elia's electricity grid.

HyoffWind is a plant that converts renewable energy to green hydrogen.

A hydrogen plant in NextGen District in Antwerp that will produce green hydrogen. By combining locally produced solar and wind energy and purchased green electricity, they can produce 12,500 tonnes of liquid and gaseous green hydrogen per year for the European market.

1.2 Local blue production

Antwerp@C aims to capture, liquefy and store CO₂ intermediately (Carbon Capture & Storage, CCS) by 2030 and then ship it to underground storage. Using captured CO₂, natural gas is converted to blue hydrogen and stored underground. With the A@C consortium, which also includes Kairos@C from BASF and Air Liquide, work is ongoing on the necessary CO₂ infrastructure to make this possible. 

1.3 Renewable energy imports

There is not enough wind or solar energy in Belgium and Western Europe to supply the port and all its users with green energy. This means we need to import renewable energy from regions where sun and wind are available in large quantities.


We are therefore committed to the global supply or importing of hydrogen and its carriers from countries such as Chile, Oman, Namibia, USA, Canada, Egypt or Brazil. There is a surplus of green electicity from solar and wind energy there. The global spread of these regions ensures that Belgium and Europe are less dependent on a small number of countries for their energy supplies. We expect the first imports in 2026.


The Hydrogen Import Coalition, comprising leading players such as DEME, Engie, Exmar, Fluxys, WaterstofNet and Port of Antwerp-Bruges, recently presented a detailed roadmap for hydrogen import in Belgium. This ambitious strategic vision provides insight into possible future scenarios and the associated infrastructure development.

Port of Antwerp-Bruges imports hydrogen from countries all over the world, such as Chile, Oman, Namibia, Egypt and Brazil.
How do you import energy?

You can import energy in the form of hydrogen bound to another molecule. Port of Antwerp-Bruges is committed to importing large volumes of sustainable hydrogen (carriers), such as liquid hydrogen, methanol, ammonia, synthetic methane and Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC's). The latter substance is a pure transport molecule for hydrogen. At the port, we convert these substances back into pure hydrogen that we can use as a raw material or fuel.

The hydrogen import coalition aims to promote the production, transport and storage of hydrogen.©Exmar

2. Infrastructure and distribution

Port of Antwerp-Bruges has the necessary infrastructure for receiving and further distributing hydrogen. This includes quays, terminals and pipelines. We are developing new infrastructure and increasing capacity.

Ecluse supplies residual heat to surrounding companies.

Hydrogen network

There is a private hydrogen network operated by Air Liquide in the port area of Antwerp. Fluxys is working on an open-access hydrogen pipeline connecting Antwerp and Zeebrugge with the German hinterland and the other neighbouring countries. Any company can connect to an open-access pipeline.

Industry uses both hydrogen carriers and pure hydrogen gas. Port of Antwerp-Bruges is working on plants that extract the gas from hydrogen carriers.

Air Liquide is thus building a pilot plant for cracking ammonia (NH3) on an industrial scale in the port of Antwerp. When hydrogen is converted into ammonia, you can easily transport it over long distances.

3. Local hydrogen consumption and transport to hinterland end-users

Both industry and transport at the port already consume hydrogen, ammonia and methanol today. For example, the chemical industry uses hydrogen in large quantities in the refining or production of chemicals. The market for green hydrogen and derivatives is growing rapidly: for reuse as a raw material, in heat production and heavy transport.

NextGen District

In NextGen District, a great many companies will be experimenting with new hydrogen-based technologies.

Own fleet

We are also experimenting with environmentally friendly fuels for our own fleet. The Hydrotug and Methatug, the world's first tugs running on hydrogen and methanol respectively, sail around Antwerp. Port of Antwerp-Bruges is also the first European port with an all-electric tug in its fleet.

Alternative fuel

As one of the largest bunkering ports in the world, we offer climate-neutral fuels such as methane, methanol, hydrogen and electric power for shipping in addition to conventional fuels.


  • At CMB's petrol station in Antwerp, ships, trucks, cars and tractors can fill up with hydrogen. 
  • Through the PIONEERS project, we are testing port equipment that runs on hydrogen.
  • Along with Port of Duisburg, we are facilitating the development of the hydrogen chains and accelerate the sustainability of port equipment via hydrogen. Port of Antwerp-Bruges is a member of the German foundation H2Global, which promotes the import of green hydrogen and aims to kick-start the market.
The Hydrotug is our first tug on hydrogen.

Contact our experts

Gilles Decan is Sustainable Transition Expert at Port of Antwerp-Bruges.
Gilles Decan

Program Manager Climate Transition

Anton Geers

sustainable transition project expert

Stefan Van Laer

sustainable transition expert


Our experts are happy to help.

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