Collection of litter and floating waste

Pallets, fridges, tractor tyres, mooring ropes, wrecked bikes … you name it, it ends up in the water. At Port of Antwerp-Bruges, we are committed to a clean port and deploy a range of resources to keep and remove floating waste from the water. As such, we work mainly on prevention, but also collect any reported floating waste. 


Specialised and licensed companies collect waste specifically for shipping such as oil or bilge water.

Spotted floating waste?

Have you seen something floating that shouldn't be in the water? In Antwerp, the crew of the waste collection boat ‘Condor’ hit the waves to fish out waste and litter in the port's water. In Zeebrugge, the Harbour Master's Office coordinates the clean-up of litter and dumped waste from the water. 

Report floating waste
You can report floating waste using the reporting and info point of the port.

Delivery of ship-generated waste

Various activities within the port generate different types of residual waste. For example, oil or waste specific to shipping, such as sludge or bilge water (oil-water mixture in the engine room). For maritime shipping, the legislation is enshrined in the Waste Management Plan. For inland navigation, the Flemish Waste Management Plan for Inland Navigation applies. 


A licensed waste collector has an OVAM permit and meets the conditions of the Harbour Master's Office.

Licensed waste collection companies

Guide to the application procedure for an exemption of ship-generated waste. (Dutch only)

Exemption procedure ship-generated waste

Guide to the application procedure for an exemption of ship-generated waste. (Dutch only)

Waste management plan

The provisions of EU Directive 2019/883/EC and the Flemish Regulations on sustainable management of Material Cycles and Waste Materials (VLAREMA) require seaports to draw up a waste management plan for port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues. They also have the responsibility to devise a financial system whereby every calling ship contributes to the cost of these facilities. Port of Antwerp-Bruges manages the waste fees and uses them as a financial contribution towards the costs of using the port reception facilities in the ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge. With this contribution, Port of Antwerp-Bruges aims to encourage ships to dispose of their waste and prevent the discharge of ship-generated waste.


The waste management plan for the port areas of Antwerp and Zeebrugge can be downloaded below.

Aangekochte foto - kan gebruikt worden op kanalen PoA. Niet delen met derden.

Waste management plan with annexes

In this waste management plan, you will find all information about registration, port reception facilities and the cost system for the delivery of ship waste.

Waste management plan

In this waste management plan, you will find all information about registration, port reception facilities and the cost system for the delivery of ship waste.

Annex 1: notification form


Annex 2: waste receipt


Annex 3: form for reporting issues


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