Request authorisations
To ensure smooth and safe shipping traffic, the Harbour Master's office in Antwerp and Zeebrugge monitors the regulations and special authorisations in the port area. For works with a nautical impact, you need to apply for authorisation. This authorisation is necessary to ensure the safe execution of the works, the smooth and safe passage of shipping traffic and to minimise risks to the environment.
Authorisations in Antwerp
For works with a nautical impact, you need to apply for authorisation. You can read how to do this in the procedure for applying for authorisations in Antwerp.
For the following works in Antwerp, you need to submit an application via TOOL. In the manual (only available in Dutch) you can rad how to create an account and submit authorisations through TOOL.
Infrastructure-related permits
- Diving operations on port infrastructure
- Repairs to port infrastructure
- Work in the vicinity of the quayside or on jetties of Seveso companies
- Blasting work on steel structures on the quay
Ship-related permits
- Works above or under water on ships and floating structures
- Stern-to mooring
- Immobilisation vessel
- LNG bunkering
- Testing lifeboat
- Waiting quay for tankers at non-tanker quays
- Deviation from passage restriction
Via form
For the following works in Antwerp, you need to submit a form at The form must be requested in the language that the executors speak.
Harbor tour permit
You can find instructions on the application process for a harbor tour permit in Antwerp via the link below.
Authorisations in Zeebrugge
For the following works in Zeebrugge, you need to submit an application via Zedis:
- diving works
- hot works
- lifeboat testing
- repair works on water and or waterfront
- washing and painting on or at the ship
- immobilisation
- mediterranean mooring
- extended stay
- handling radioactive materials
- handling explosives
- handling highly toxic gases
- fumigation and degassing
- Caustic Soda (NaOH) bunkering - truck to ship
- LNG bunkering - ship to ship
- LNG bunkering - truck to ship
- handling ammonium nitrate
- dry dock